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High Court to weigh in on recovery of costs by self-repped law firms
Business of Law 2024-04-15 11:31 pm By Christine Caulfield

The High Court has agreed to hear a case with implications for law firms that represent themselves in litigation, granting an appeal application by media mogul Bruce Gordon, a former client of Sydney firm Atanaskovic Hartnell.

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Finish maker Reckitt won’t drop court battle with Proctor & Gamble
Competition & Consumer Protection 2024-01-30 11:04 pm By Christine Caulfield

Finish detergent maker Reckitt Benckiser has thrown the latest punch in a long-running grudge match against rival Proctor & Gamble, with RB challenging a ruling that it made misleading claims about its popular dishwashing product.

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Proctor & Gamble, Reckitt warned against ‘pointless wars’ in detergent dispute
Competition & Consumer Protection 2023-06-19 2:21 pm By Gareth Baker Sydney

Consumer goods giants Proctor & Gamble and Reckitt Benckiser have been urged by a court not to bury their dispute over marketing of a dishwashing tablet product under a mountain of competing performance tests.

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Judge throws cold water on Fairy’s ’30 Minute Miracle’ launch
Competition & Consumer Protection 2023-05-01 9:09 pm By Sam Matthews Melbourne

A judge has hit the maker of Fairy dishwashing products with an interim injunction that will disrupt the launch of its 30 Minute Miracle detergent, after finding consumer claims by the maker of Finish dishwashing products had a strong prospect of success.

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Court sides with Deicorp in $90M suit over sale of properties in Sydney’s Castle Hill
Real Estate 2022-10-14 4:37 pm By Sam Matthews Melbourne

Property developer Deicorp has secured a win in a lawsuit brought by a Hong Kong real estate billionaire after Deicorp reneged on a $45 million property deal, with a judge finding the purchaser failed to properly nominate its special purpose vehicle under the contract for sale.

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Nurofen maker Reckitt-Benckiser loses High Court appeal bid in Maxigesic feud
Competition & Consumer Protection 2022-04-07 1:54 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

The High Court has rejected a special leave application by consumer goods giant Reckitt-Benckiser in its long-running battle with the maker of painkiller Maxigesic.

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Reckitt-Benckiser asks High Court to overturn decision on Maxigesic ads
High Court 2022-02-03 1:27 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

Consumer goods giant Reckitt-Benckiser is seeking special leave from the High Court to challenge a Full Court judgment that overturned a finding that AFT Pharmaceuticals ads’ for its painkiller Maxigesic were misleading.

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Full Court throws out ‘mistaken’ judgment on AFT’s Maxigesic ads
Competition & Consumer Protection 2021-12-07 6:18 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

A judge was “mistaken” to find that AFT Pharmaceuticals’ ads for its painkiller Maxigesic were misleading, with the Full Federal Court ruling there was an adequate scientific foundation for the ads’ claims that the drug provided faster, better pain relief than paracetamol and ibuprofen alone.

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Law firm can’t get fees after ‘dishonourable conduct’ toward clients
Business of Law 2021-09-03 10:41 pm By Bianca Hrovat Sydney

An appeals court has upheld a ruling that Sydney law firm Atanaskovic Hartnell was not entitled to the bulk of $165,000 in legal fees charged to two media company clients defrauded by jailed former solicitor Brody Clarke, calling the firm’s attempt to renege on its undertakings “dishonourable”.

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HWL Ebsworth forced to hand over client file notes to ANZ whistleblower
Business of Law 2021-05-10 4:48 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

HWL Ebsworth has been ordered to hand over file notes to a former client and whistleblower suing ANZ for unfair dismissal, with a judge rejecting the law firm’s argument that the notes were created solely for the benefit of the junior solicitor taking them.

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