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ATO loses appeal in JobKeeper case over sole trader’s lasped ABN
Tax 2021-03-26 10:45 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

The Australian Taxation Office has come up short in its challenge to a decision that a sole trader was eligible for Jobkeeper despite a cancelled ABN, with the Full Federal Court saying the small businessman was entitled to the government COVID-19 handout.

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Wolf of Wall Street wannabe cops 10-year ban for ‘serious’ disregard for compliance
Financial Services 2021-03-18 2:42 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

The director of now defunct foreign exchange and derivative trader Forex Capital Trading has been banned from providing financial services for 10 years after ASIC found he had a serious lack of regard for compliance while overseeing the firm’s Wolf of Wall Street-esque trading floor culture.

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