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Class action by sexual abuse survivors accuses law firm of negligence
Class Actions 2024-07-23 11:09 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A class action has accused not for profit community legal service Knowmore Legal of breaching its duty of care and providing negligent advice to survivors of institutional child sexual abuse who settled their claims under the National Redress Scheme when they could have recovered more by taking their claims to court.

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Eighth attempt at cosmetic surgery class action still not good enough, court told
Class Actions 2024-06-27 10:08 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Sydney-based plastic surgeon Daniel Lanzer and several of his associates have objected to a class action’s eighth attempt at getting its claims over allegedly negligent cosmetic procedures right, saying the plaintiffs were engaged in a “continuing cycle of propagating versions” of their case.

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Class action firms that play nice should not have a leg up in beauty parade, court told
Class Actions 2024-05-08 11:16 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Appellate guidance is needed on whether a history of cooperation between law firms that brought competing class actions can be the deciding factor in a close carriage contest, the Victorian Court of Appeal has heard.

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‘It’s as if court dates just grow on trees’: Judge slams parties in cosmetic surgery class action
Class Actions 2024-03-07 2:50 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has railed against the parties in a class action against Sydney-based plastic surgeon Daniel Lanzer and four of his associates for “repeated failure to comply with court orders” in the two-year-old case.

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Union succeeds in excluding members from McDonald’s class action
Class Actions 2023-11-17 11:27 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A union has partially won a bid to exclude thousands of current and former members from a class action against McDonald’s, after losing a challenge that sought to ban all Fair Work group proceedings.

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Judges have power to make settlement CFOs, says Full Court
Class Actions 2023-10-12 11:36 am By Cindy Cameronne

The Full Federal Court has answered a question vexing the court for the past four years, ruling that class action judges have the power to make common fund orders at settlement that allow litigation funders to reap a percentage commission beyond their contractual entitlement. 

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Settlement CFO ruling another landmark in class action development
Analysis 2023-10-12 11:34 pm By Christine Caulfield

The Full Federal Court’s finding that the High Court did not extinguish the power of judges to make common fund orders on approval of class action settlements is the latest milestone in the evolution of Australian class action jurisprudence, experts say.

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Full Court shoots down ‘misconceived’ bid to undermine Fair Work class actions
Employment 2023-10-12 4:51 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has declined a union’s bid to throw out an employee class action against McDonald’s after the Full Federal Court confirmed that employee class actions are not precluded by the Fair Work Act. 

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Are settlement CFOs OK? Full Court to finally have its say
Class Actions 2023-10-11 11:19 pm By Christine Caulfield

With bated breath class action litigators and funders have waited for this day, when the Full Federal Court decides the question of power to make common fund orders at settlement. They aren’t the final arbiters, but the judges’ ruling may be no less important for that.

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Consolidated Downer EDI class action carries the day
Class Actions 2023-10-02 3:18 pm By Sam Matthews

Two law firms that were able to “work cooperatively” to join their cases have been awarded carriage of a shareholder class action against mining firm Downer EDI. The judge overseeing the proceedings also approved a group costs order application that proposed a “reasonable rate” of return to the firms.

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