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Complaint retreading old ground against lawyer not oppressive, appeals court says
Legal Ethics 2024-06-20 11:54 pm By Sam Matthews Melbourne

An appeals court has found that the ACT legal complaints body was entitled to bring a second complaint against a lawyer after a first complaint about the same conduct was summarily dismissed, rejecting an argument that retreading the same ground would be oppressive.

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Legal watchdog not barred from pursuing second complaint against solicitor
Legal Ethics 2023-10-16 7:23 pm By Sam Matthews Melbourne

The ACT legal watchdog was not barred from investigating a second complaint of misconduct against a Canberra solicitor after an initial complaint was dismissed, a judge has found.

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Court tosses suit against Wilsons over wealth advisor who jumped ship
Employment 2022-09-07 12:25 am By Sam Matthews

Wilsons Advisory and Stockbroking has dodged a claim by rival Elston Private Wealth over a veteran employee who jumped ship with confidential information.

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