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Peter van Onselen hit with Ten’s costs after losing contract case
Employment 2023-07-24 11:50 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge has hit former Network Ten political editor Peter van Onselen with costs, after finding he breached a non-disparagement clause in an agreement with […]

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CCTV footage from night of Brittany Higgins’ alleged rape automatically wiped, court told
Defamation 2023-07-17 1:53 pm By Cindy Cameronne

ABC and Network Ten have dropped their fight in a defamation case by former Liberal staffer Bruce Lehrmann over missing CCTV footage from the night […]

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Political reporter Peter van Onselen breached agreement with Ten, court says
Employment 2023-07-14 12:56 pm By Gareth Baker

A court has found that former Network Ten political editor Peter van Onselen breached a non-disparagement clause in an agreement with the broadcaster by criticising […]

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Missing CCTV footage from night of Brittany Higgins’ alleged rape ‘very concerning’, court told
Defamation 2023-07-07 1:59 pm By Cindy Cameronne

ABC and Network Ten are “very concerned” that Parliament House claims to not have CCTV footage from the night former Liberal staffer Bruce Lehrmann allegedly […]

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Peter van Onselen worried Ten would ‘hang him out to dry’ in sex discrimination suit, court told
Contracts 2023-06-29 9:29 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Ex-Network Ten political editor Peter van Onselen has told a judge he was worried when he signed a disputed non-disparagement agreement that the broadcaster would […]

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Bruce Lehrmann wins bid to bring late defamation cases against News Corp, Ten
Defamation 2023-04-28 12:51 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Accused rapist Bruce Lehrmann has won his bid to bring defamation cases against News Corp and Network Ten despite the expiry of a 12-month limitation […]

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‘Up for millions’: Bruce Lehrmann faces grilling in court over texts to girlfriend
Defamation 2023-03-16 1:55 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Former Liberal staffer Bruce Lehrmann has faced cross-examination over text messages to his girlfriend in which he said he received legal advice that he could […]

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News Corp, Ten seek to prove Higgins’ rape claims in Bruce Lehrmann defamation case
Defamation 2023-03-08 5:20 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Network Ten and News Corp have mounted truth defences in response to a defamation suit by accused rapist Bruce Lehrmann, arguing the claim that he […]

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Judge wary of Bruce Lehrmann cross-examination in limitations stoush
Defamation 2023-03-08 6:53 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has expressed “reluctance” at a bid for accused rapist Bruce Lehrmann to face cross-examination at an upcoming hearing over whether his defamation claims […]

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Facing journalist’s discrimination suit, Ten says sexist culture not unlawful
Employment 2023-03-03 6:28 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Network Ten has fired back at journalist Tegan George’s reworked sex discrimination case, claiming that its alleged failure to prevent a “sexually hostile, demeaning and […]

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