A former debt collector who accused the ATO of using heavy handed debt collection tactics against taxpayers has asked the High Court to overrule a decision that found he was not immune from prosecution. In a decision handed down in June, the South Australia Court of Appeal dismissed Richard Boyle’s second bid for immunity from…
A former EY partner who was ousted after the tax office claimed he had promoted a $700,000 tax exploitation scheme has argued he is entitled to claim privilege over communications with the accounting firm’s general counsel and an external barrister, despite EY having waived it.
The tax office has asked the High Court to overturn a decision which found that payments made by Asahi Breweries-owned Schweppes to PepsiCo under agreements to sell brands such as Pepsi and Mountain Dew in Australia were not subject to a royalty withholding tax.
A former employee of the Australian Taxation Office who faced murder charges over a cold case from 1984, which have since been dropped, has lost his unfair dismissal case after the FWC found he was not forced to resign.
A former ATO worker who accused his employer of using heavy handed debt collection tactics against taxpayers has lost his second bid for immunity from prosecution, with an appeals court finding that whistleblowing laws only protect the disclosure itself.
In a loss for the Australian Taxation Office, the Full Federal Court has found that payments made by Asahi Breweries-owned Schweppes to PepsiCo under agreements to sell brands such as Pepsi and Mountain Dew in Australia were not subject to a royalty withholding tax.
A former Ernst & Young partner accused of promoting tax exploitation schemes wants to strike out portions of the ATO’s case, but the tax office argues he has threatened the application since last year and is preoccupied with a satellite fight to keep his name out of the media.
The founders of streetwear retailer City Beach have won a fight with the ATO over the taxation of a $52 million disposal of pre-capital gains tax assets.
A former Ernst & Young partner has claimed privilege against exposure to penalty and is seeking orders to avoid filing a defence in proceedings by the Australian Taxation Office alleging he promoted tax exploitation schemes.
A Senate committee has slammed PricewaterhouseCoopers for hiding behind legal professional privilege and refusing to release a report by law firm Linklaters into alleged wrongdoing by international partners, as the committee seeks more information about PwC partners involved in the firm’s leak of confidential Treasury information.