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Class action filings set for lowest year in decade, law firm report says
Class Actions 2024-07-18 2:37 pm By Christine Caulfield

The number of new class actions so far this year has fallen short of recent years, and not a single shareholder proceeding has been lodged in 2024 to date, according to a new report.

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Slater & Gordon admits to staff underpayments of at least $300,000
Employment 2024-07-18 11:51 pm By Christine Caulfield

Plaintiff law firm Slater & Gordon has admitted to a payroll error affecting at least 100 current and former employees that has resulted in underpayments of at least $300,000.

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Judge gives law firm tough time over extra costs to distribute BSA class action settlement
Employment 2024-07-17 11:34 pm By Christine Caulfield

A law firm has secured more funds to cover the cost of distributing a $20 million settlement reached in a class action against telco contractor BSA, but not as much as it wanted, with a judge saying the firm would have been stuck with its initial estimate if the administration gig had been put out to tender.

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Super Retail Group’s action against lawyers wants lid on info ahead of employees’ case
Employment 2024-07-17 11:57 pm By Christine Caulfield

Preemptive action brought by Rebel Sports owner Super Retail Group against lawyers acting for the retailer’s employees in a proposed $50 million lawsuit seeks court orders concealing information expected to be filed in the case.

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Law firm director sacked assistant in ChatGPT-written text message, FWC finds
AI 2024-07-17 9:36 pm By Sam Matthews

The director of a Perth law firm fired a legal assistant by a text message that was generated with ChatGPT, the Fair Work Commission has found.

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Government backs FWC plan to put CFMEU construction division into administration
Construction 2024-07-17 11:25 pm By Sam Matthews

Employment Minister Tony Burke says he will support the Fair Work Commission’s plan to appoint an independent administrator to the construction division of the CFMEU and flagged an AFP investigation into recent allegations the union has been infiltrated by criminal figures. 

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Super Retail Group brings legal action against employment lawyers, media strategist
Employment 2024-07-12 11:39 pm By Christine Caulfield

Rebel Sports owner Super Retail Group has filed court action against solicitors at Harmers Workplace Lawyers and the employment firm’s external media strategist, after revealing it faced a potential $50 million lawsuit by the firm on behalf of the retailer’s employees.

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Judge to consider rare step of ordering costs against Shane Heal in failed Fair Work case
Employment 2024-07-12 11:29 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge is considering the extraordinary step of ordering costs against basketball coach Shane Heal in his failed Fair Work case against the Sydney Flames, saying the case was “very much on the margin” of constituting an exception to the no-costs rule. 

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HWL Ebsworth, ex-partner file competing appeals over expulsion finding
Appeals 2024-07-10 4:01 pm By Cindy Cameronne

HWL Ebsworth and a former capital partner have both appealed a ruling that found the partner was invalidly expelled in 2020 but that his partnership had been dissolved from the day he sued his former firm. 

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BlueScope’s circumstantial evidence falls short in unfair dismissal case
Employment 2024-07-10 11:23 pm By Sam Matthews

The Fair Work Commission has ruled that an electrician with BlueScope Steel was unfairly dismissed following a complaint by a coworker who did not give evidence to the commission, finding that it was “abundantly unfair” for the complaint to be advanced as hearsay evidence.

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